For years I have been studying how to achieve balance in my life, i.e. living in tune with body, mind and spirit. Study of the body has taught me that the ultimate truth is Death. We have to, in life, feed our bodies well by proper diet and supplements, exercise and positive thoughts. The purpose of this is not to live long, but to live well, and follow the popular saying "Healthy, wealthy and wise", in that same order.
The mind, though a part of the body, is more complex, with the simple connotation, "You are what you think". As Dr. Carl Jung elaborates in one of his articles on Synchronicity and the Power of Circumstance, "Your mind is so powerful, with any strong conviction, you may bring any human or circumstance within your reach, thereby reducing the effect of Destiny." Destiny plays a role only at the time of your birth. Your mind however, through its power of imagination and degree of conviction, can change your destiny.