My name is Redlynn Sangre-Herida Courtese. My younger twin sister is called Sapphire Amor-Dios Courtese, she's blond with unnatural purple eyes. If you were wondering, our middle names are Spanish. Hers says love god, mine, blood wound. Like I said, we're opposites.
I guess you're wondering how I look, I'm wearing a red mini skirt, black ripped tights, a red corset and a black hoodie with knee high lace up boots. Dark, I know. But what can I say? I don't like people, dark clothes makes them stay away. Plus, my favorite color is red and black and blue. I am also a vampire werewolf hybrid. I guess you're thinking along the lines of 'Wow, she's amazing' or 'Damn, she's hot, dangerous and my type'... No? oh well. Anyway, I have Black hair that changes color depending on if my vampire or wolf is in control (Red streaks for vamp, blue for Wolf).
She's half siren and half pixie. She eats men, I drink their blood. I don't always drink male blood though, sometimes I pray on the old or the dying. She just eats young men. No question. If I owe her a favor, I'll drink the old queen Bees blood so she can take power. Or seduce someone she wants to blackmail. Evil, I know. (I was talking about her then, I'm the good guy remember? Totally not Evil. (MWAhhahaha).
My sister and I have this thing where if I do her a 'job' I get something in return. Like favors. Recently, my sister gave me the job of taking down the male's of the Cullen family. Simple, sleep with them, film the sex, send it to my sister and she has her blackmail. Simple right? Turns out Jasper blond=fucking Whitlock-Cullen thinks I'm his mate, which is impossible, seeing as I already have one.
YAY ME!! (Sarcasm) This is my story of Hell
[All Cullen characters belong To Stephanie Myer]
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
(Updates every Saturday)