Love addiction
Everyone has one,
Everyone talks about yours,
No one sees how serious theirs are
Until a knifes at their throat.
For some we wish we can stop,
Others don't see the light.
Some addiction aren't even bad,
But who am I to judge.
You blame me,
I blame you.
We see past them,
Unless we need ammo for our guns .
We all make mistakes,
For the voices in my head are stronger
Once woken.
Don't mistaken my mitakes with anger,
Nor even sadness,
For some love their additions to the moon.
You see me rise
Watch me as I fly high,
Turn things around,
Maybe even go back in time.
For love might be to much,
Stuck could be right,
No one knows the fight
Until you stop.....
Screams of anger runs through your mind,
As if it's your final feast.
Some do till death,
But the world's full of quitters.
So don't blame the victim,
Sometimes not even the substance,
For some run to them,
Because the people around them give no choice,
Some may be weak,
Some could be strong.
We all have additions,
But I'