Journey with Ryuu, a female wolf, who joins the world of the Grave. Four packs of wolves compete with each other, the Pack of Dancing fire, the Pack of Frosted Ice, the Pack of Falling Leaves, and the Pack of Dying Shadows. Face the world in this book in the eyes of a wolf. There is romance, adventure, sadness, and excitement.
Ryuu has learned about the packs in the territory of the Grave. She wishes to join them in a struggle to survive. When Ryuu meets an alpha for the first time she realizes that the packs may not be as she imagined. In The Wolves Of The Grave.
*** Formerly Wolf Lodge ***
Savee Lowe is a product of tragedy, trying to survive in a virus-stricken world. Decimated by humans in an attempt to kill off a fast-spreading death sentence, it never recovered. Civilization resorted back to outdated settlements filled with strict barbaric rules that she was opposed to. Savee ran to gain her freedom, resulting in dangerous adventures as she began her life of solitude. Soon she found a companion in a wayward wolf who was all too happy to hang around. Little did she know she shared much with her new pet that would inevitably lead her into dangers path again. Secrets and death follow her like a shadow as she uncovers truths she never imagined possible, but to keep her freedom she must rely on her own bravery and youthful wilfulness. When Callan and a pack of wolves show up her strength is tested. She has to escape another group this time with far-reaching consequences. Sometimes dying can release a magic you never knew you had. It might even mean that you will live forever.
***Slow burn book, almost like a mystery filling in the holes along the way. Patience will serve you well here.