In the Titan's Curse, everyone says Bianca is gone.
They are correct.
Everyone also says Bianca is dead.
That is where they are wrong.
Bianca is knocked out for days lying in rubble. When she awakens, she doesn't remember anything.
Chaos, Creator of the Universe, offers her a job in his army. She accepts and wishes she could remember more of her past.
One day, a boy named Percy Jackson joins the army and is destined to be her partner as Co-Commanders. But there is something about this boy that is different, from the bits of memory that she has revived. Sadly, he lost parts of his memory too.
Together, they dream of revisiting Earth and figuring out more about their past.
They get their wish, but they need to protect Earth and save it from disaster, even if it means to give up everything.
Their past is a puzzle, waiting to be put together and fit into place.
I adopted this story from ZoeNightshade6577
The original title is Bianca Di Angelo Chaos Commander