Love and Fate or Fake and Hate? (One Direciton Fanfiction)
  • Membaca 142
  • Suara 8
  • Bagian 2
  • Durasi 7m
  • Membaca 142
  • Suara 8
  • Bagian 2
  • Durasi 7m
Sedang dalam proses, Awal publikasi Jul 02, 2013
Hi, my name is Alison. I have long wavy brown hair with blue eyes. I live with my foster father since my real father left me a little after my mom died. Things couldn't get worse in my life. I had no social life, I only had one friend. It was time for me to change my life, for good and forever. So I did. I met the love of my life, I think.. Was he mine? I still don't know. Never thought I'd fall in love more then once. Was it really love? Only time will tell.... Hopefully time goes by fast..
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