-Hi Everyone! This is my first time writing here, so please be respectful when reading. You may comment, critique some of the story, but please do not write harsh comments. This is my first time writing so like I asked before. Please be respectful.-
This story is about my Attack on Titan OC, Lilyana Coshi. I've taken lots of time to make up a plot, and other OCs just to go with this story. Now I am going to say, this story WILL INCLUDE SPOILERS from the Manga's. Names from original characters of the Attack on Titan series will be mentioned as well, so I recommend you either watch the Anime, or read the Manga's if you have not already. With that being said I'll begin. (I'll also remind you guys, this is a story about my (and friends) OCs).
Harsh Language, Feels, and Spoilers, Plus will be included in this story. You've been warned.
Attack on Titan (c) Hajime Isayama
Lilyana Coshi, Other OCs+ (c) MysticalShines (and friends)
Cover Art (c) Me. Proper credits do go to renderers, of the Background photo, and Logos.