This is the true story of one boy's journey through Anneewakee Boys' Wilderness Camp. Anneewakee opened in 1962 as a treatment center for troubled boys and was essentially shut down in the late 80's amidst allegations of physical and sexual abuse. There are many traumatized to this day by what they endured at the treatment center and also those who credit it with saving their lives. The stories run the gamut, from outright tortuous conditions to those who remember it as a happy place, a place filled with fond memories and lasting friendships. This is Steve's story and his story falls somewhere in the middle. Ordered to Anneewakee by a judge who was sick of seeing the fifteen year old in his courtroom and, on his thirteenth visit in front of the judge, was ordered to Anneewakee and was there over two years. This is his story. Everyone who was there has a different story but this story belongs to Steve.