Before me stood a tall, middle aged man, that looked somewhat familiar to me.
Damon lowered his head, and bowed. "Father."
"Damon, you have completed your task. Congratulations my son."
The death of my best friend should be heartbreaking, especially when it was my fault that she died. But the truth is, death didn’t frighten me. Not anymore.
Taylor, a Guardian Angel in training, is sent to live among humans, to look over her Aunt Grace. When her Senior graduation party ends badly, Meghan her best friend, and Damon, the dark haired, mysterious, and school bad boy shows up, she knows shes in for a wild night.
After a wild earthquake, Taylor is taken prisoner, by Damon, her ex-boyfriend, and his father the god of death himself, and her father's ancient enemy.
Will Taylor survive the underworld, or will she die trying to escape? Will Damon help, or leave her for his elder brother's demise?
Adventure, romance, and a modern twist of events unfold in Death Angel.All Rights Reserved