Normally in high school you hang with your friends and avoid the popular people that are the captains and cheerleaders. This high school is nothing like you would expect it to be. This is Jefferson L. High, one class has been ranked for the last 3 years of their high school experience. The class of 2019. There are 3 ranks that even the teachers respect to a very high level. Meet the legends: consisting of the captain, leads, and just all time popular people. Then there are the commons: these students are the normal ones. Nothing really special ever happens to them. The last and the rank that the teens pray they are never ranked in are the unimportant: these people are the least liked people in the whole school. They are the trouble makers, the untouched and the dis guarded. People pray to never be ranked a unimportant or their whole high school experience shall be terrible. Meet Henna, a girl that was never exposed to the real world. Her parents home schooled her and did everything for her. Henna's parents always kept her from harm and she never knew how. Henna was never allowed to do anything but she didn't know why. Even if so she didn't care and was kind and caring to her careful parents. When she decides that she must go to college to help out her parents she gets put into a high school that ranks. Meet Colin, the man behind the ranks. Every year Colin decides who gets to be in which ranking and the whole school follows it. On the outside he may look like the most popular guy. Colin is the most scared and feared because of his power to change the ranks. When Henna comes to the school and meets danger boy Colin what will happen when he finds out the truth about Henna? What will Henna feel like when she finds out who the real Colin is? **There is going to be mature content so please read at your own risk!! I can't stop people that are under the age of 18 but there will be mature content!** - JanetAll Rights Reserved