Akin to my Super-Hero trivia, I write a question, you answer it in your head, then scroll down to see the answer. You may comment whether you are right or wrong.
There will be questions from: The Children of Hurin, The Silmarillion, The Lord of the Rings, Unfinished Tales, The Lays of Beleriand, The Hobbit, and any other random tidbits I may pick up along my way. I hope you enjoy.
P. S. Unless I'm writing on my phone, I am unable to get all the dot's, and dashes, and all that rot that goes above a lot of elvish words. Don't judge me.
Welcome to your source for all the inside information about my characters, books, and everything that it takes to make their stories come to life!
Ever have questions about how characters were created or why they make certain choices? Wonder about the writing process and what goes into a story? You'll find all of that plus more in this blog-style journal!