Motown, the city of bright lights and fast cars. Everyone who's anybody would die to live here in the city. Of course ,well it is 1998. The year that changed my life forever. Mainly, because I met the sweetest, most passionate guy ever. He goes by Chres , but his birth name is Chresanto. Was he a player? Nah, not his style, he's a one gal type of guy. He stood about 5'8,muscular strong arms, a goofy die hard smile, high cheek bones, olive mocha colored, broad shoulders,and eyes that I could stare into all day. He was a boxer at the Ring down at Gratioit Ave and worked weekdays at the Dairy Queen down the street from it. I'd see him everyday from where I worked, which was Anne's Bakery. Since I couldn't have a boyfriend ,I'd always have to sneak around and lie a lot to see him.It was all worth it in the down fall though. It wasn't all peachy peach either though. No way, worst than that. My parents were stuck up and wealthy. They didn't let me date someone with this type of background but little did they know who their daughter really was.