Maria, Lillian, and Ambrosia, three sisters, three princesses. They're different in every way. Different personalities, different looks different issues. Their mom, Queen Beatrice notices her daughters' self destructive behavior and sends them to her old school, Eryo.
They're there so they can learn it's okay to have emotions, your body is your temple, and self-esteem, but what they find is magic, what they learn are spells, what they do is hurt...unintentionally of course.
Mae goes to boarding school and meets Lily, Delia and Ari. They prank get in trouble and hate their other room mate Miu (at some point) . They Prank some more, repeat, Be sarcastic bitches. and oh so very more is their story
Lily- @ImmaBitch
Ari- @DobbyIsTheShiit
Aria- @AriaMiller