Evernore is the place of all races. Whiteshore, New Orleans, Mystic Falls, Wellshadow, and a few others are there homes.
Bonneauville is the city of the Shifters. And those that call this home are here. There are Vampires, Fae, Werewolves, Dragons, Phoenix's, Nymphs, Shadow Hunters, Dhampires, Witches, Element and Weather controls, Marked and Inked, Humans, Angels, Demons, Ruled by Gods, Goddesses. Within each of the cities are leaders to each race. It is where there was a war with the different races, now it is time for Evernore to somehow find peace.
Original Characters based in a supernatural world and a is an original character based in a supernatural world and a city named Evernore on the verge of war. Each of the city's 11 factions plays a different part in the ever drawing conflict and people are playing a dangerous game of who blames who. We have over 150 members, characters but are always looking for more members to join our family, and bring peace to the city.
Moments; singular, siphoned, like grains of sand which fall restlessly, and build without limits...growing with increasing momentum, each step, beat, a steady staccato , marking down the minutes until the cold inevitability of the ...end ...death.
Moments...it's all anyone has. Life is a false illusion. Death is cold reality. I am a Treader. I deal in the currency of death, and I know everything there is to know about it's cold worth.
I am useful, never loved.
I am used, never thanked.
I am need, want, and lust....but never needed or wanted.
I am never fulfilled. I am never to know human happiness.
I have accepted my designed fate.
Why then am I being tested now?? What will happen if I give in to the temptation I know will be my undoing?
What will happen if I give in...and love?
What will my failure bring...and may those above and below have mercy on all souls, for when the Treader of death falls for life...
Worlds End.
RH*Mature Content*Advisable only for 18 and over