Skylar Kohl is a walking body of good luck for everybody but herself. Her mother died of cancer when she was seven, her father's been missing since her freshman year of high school, and she's barely maintaining appearances so that nobody notices she's living alone. She's managed to make it to senior year without a single hiccup, however, the arrival of Dorian Leroux, a foreign transfer student, puts her mission in jeopardy. He simply cares about her, but because of it, her world is suddenly brought into question: How is she able to pay the bills without a job? Why won't she let even her best friend inside the house? And what exactly are the circumstances surrounding her father's disappearance? Love is a heavy burden, and Skylar soon discovers that she must either confront her past or forever run from it.
My Father's Secret will be updated every Tuesday or every other Tuesday depending on my schedule
Cover art/illustration- "Ponygeist" by Kevin Marburg