The story revolves around 3 siblings who are popular. They are living peaceful and normal. The oldest brother is Haiske Shoun. 17, single, tall, cute, not really popular, smart, intelligent, not really good at sports, responsible.
While the middle is the most popular of the 3. That is Kazeo Shoun. 13, single, tall, cute, cool, very popular, the main article of the school's newspaper, very smart, very intelligent, very athletic, not responsible, best at everything he tries. Well, he is the boy version of Umaru of course.
And the youngest is Hyakou Shoun. 11, single of course, small, very cute, popular, athletic, average at academics, not responsible. Let's join the adventure of these 3 siblings.
Pls enjoy. The concept is made by me but inspiered by animes.
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