It started with some light singing. Someone must have left the radio on. Then it sounded like someone was talking in my room when I wasn’t there. I must be imagining the voice with the haunting Irish accent. Then he popped out of my poster and started walking around my room. I must be hallucinating. My poster of Niall Horan couldn’t possibly have come to life, right? RIGHT?!? [AN: So one of my Wattpad buddies (who writes awesome by the way) constantly posts on her message board. Most of it it just adorable gifs that make me coo, but every once in a while she writes down her random thoughts. Here is the one that inspired me: "but guise what would you do if your niall poster (if you have one) came to life and then you went on twitter and found out he was in a coma and it was really niall's soul fleeing his body and getting trapped inside your poster omg wat" This story is dedicated to her (@LittleUrchin), and the main character is named Maya after her. In the words of Barney Stinson: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!]All Rights Reserved