Well it all started when I was built and I was next to these 4 strangers.I asked them,"hi guys what's your name".springtrap said.they all said,"we all are animatronics".I saids," well what are our jobs here." Springtrap said.they all said again,"we r here to sing songs to the little kids birthdays".I yelled when do we start".springtrap said. They all said,"we start tomorrow. Next day has come." Today we r going to sing to kids". They all yelled. When the birthday boy came the kids had a blast but for the animatronics they all were busted up and all broken. At that moment they new even more fun with the kids. Next day later when the kids come to Freddy fasbears pizza. All the animatronics strikes and took all the souls of the kids. I said,"wow that was so amazing". Everyone said,"I know right let do that with all the kids that come here". So from that day on what they all did was simple. First let the kids come inside,next let the kids have a little fun,last take there souls.All Rights Reserved
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