12 parts Ongoing In this gripping tale, Leonardo Armazino finds himself trapped in a loveless marriage. Despite being married, his heart longs for Isabella Del Dos Ramos, a woman he has secretly fallen for, his childhood best friend who is the real mother of his child. But here's the twist: Isabella is in grave danger from a notorious mafia lord who happens to be a deadly sexual predator.
To protect Isabella from this vile threat, Leonardo's family arranges a marriage between him and Isabella. This arrangement serves a dual purpose: not only does it offer protection to Isabella, but it also allows Leonardo to be by her side and shield her from harm.
As Leonardo and Isabella navigate their complicated relationship, they must also confront the dangerous world of the mafia. With the sexual predator mafia lord lurking in the shadows, their love becomes a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.
Together, Leonardo and Isabella must find a way to outsmart their enemies, protect their loved ones, and ultimately break free from the shackles of their loveless marriages. As they delve deeper into the treacherous underworld, they discover hidden truths, face unexpected betrayals, and learn the power of true love.
Will Leonardo and Isabella be able to overcome the challenges thrown their way? Can they expose the sexual predator mafia lord and find a way to be together, forever?
Get ready for a heart-pounding journey filled with suspense, passion, and a love that defies all odds. This story will keep you on the edge of your seat as you root for Leonardo and Isabella to triumph over darkness and find their happily ever after.