Descriptions are arbitrary. Instead to convince you of the grand impact this book will have on your life, here is a list of quotes from the readers. "If I had to describe this book, I would describe it as indescribable." -Perd Hapley "If you enjoyed City of Stupid, then this is the book for you." -Oprah "I bet this book is great lol. But I don't read lol. Like, that's so last year omg. This book is totally lolworthy." - Izzy Lytewode "I wish there were a book from the point of view of my brother, Zeb, but this will have to do." - Classy Von Wealthy "I can't decide if it has been done a thousand times before or if it has never been done before." -The indecisive hobo in front of Wal-Mart "THIS BOOK IS RAW! RAW! IT'S GARBAGE!" -Chef Ramsay "It's time to investigate how this book got to be so good." - Burt Macklin, FBI "*excited table noises*" - Buford the Table "This book is not a brick?" - Jason Grace