Title: Minerva
Alternative Title: Take Me Back To Arda
Rosamund Harris lived a hard life. Working on a job that barely pays enough to survive monthly, and a boss who often refused to give her salary. Bullied, downtrodden and trampled on her whole life, there wasn't a day she worked hard and tried to get herself out of her impoverished life. She just didn't expect it to end in death. So when Eru Iluvatar gave her another chance at life, she embraced it wholeheartedly, without knowing what was in store for her.
Oromë, the Valar of hunt had sent two emissaries to middle-earth; The Istaris Alatar and Pallando, tasked to weaken Sauron's defenses, as what Eru Iluvatar instructed. However, they have failed, and was destroyed by Sauron himself. The Only remaining Istari true to his call was Gandalf. However, Gandalf could not accomplish everything all by himself.
Knowing the situation full well, Eru Iluvatar tasked the Valars, especially Oromë, to care for the poor Rosamund, and edify her, so that she may one day be virtuous and worthy to fulfil her purpose, to aid the remaining free people of Middle-Earth in their fight against Sauron.