When the band 5 Seconds of Summer release their second album, Sounds Good Feels Good, they become the center of attention in the music world. Everyone has gotten their copy of the CD and is listening to their favorite songs from the record. New photo shoots are scheduled, and once those photos are released, everyone begins crushing on their favorite member once again.
With all of the new content coming out all at once, and the new discovery that the famous lead singer and guitar player of the band, Luke Hemmings, was having problems with his current girlfriend, the fans don't even notice some romantic tension growing between two of the band's members; one being Luke Hemmings himself, the other being the lead guitarist and off-and-on singer of the band, Michael Clifford.
Ashton Irwin is my brother, he's in a band called 5 seconds of summer, have you heard of them? My name is Eva, Eva Irwin, I'm 14! I love my brother, it's just me and him a lot because mum goes away to work a lot. I suppose ash is kinda like a dad to me! I mean he's 18 and my real dad walked out when I was a baby. Nobody ever talks about dad. My mum has to go away to England for 6 months for work! That's the other side of the world! I suppose me and ash will be ok! #5secondsofsummer #ashtonirwin and will there be a romance with Luke hemmings?