First day at my new school ,my new school is so....... Well smell like a really old lady died in it .... Hello my name is Isabella!!!!i can show you around> A random girl popped up on me????????So friendly???OK tell her your name and that you knew and that that would be great if she showed you around.oh hi i'm Alexis AND I new here that would be great if you showed me around.than a group of high schoolers bump into me and knocks over all my books!HEY WATCH OUT GEEK!!!!! Than the bell ring 1 hour going to be bad...1 hour,ok i like science it shouldn't e that bad? The teacher is Griffiths she seems nice?SIT DOWN OR LUNCH DETENTIONS FOR ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!NEVER MIND she really mean....and the whole class get lunch detentions because of the stupid jocks?if you don't know what a jock is, it is they mean stupid football player well in my grade it is ...the make fun of everyone.well the bell rings so loud !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!the rest of the day got smashed to little pieces because of stupid jocks that how my day was mom!!!All Rights Reserved