63 Bagian Sedang dalam proses Dewasa"Cora, whether you like it or not, you belong to me. You're mine! Do you understand that? I suggest you accept it because I won't allow you to decide otherwise.
You see, in my world, life is like a game of chess, and darling...you've just became the queen, my main piece."
"Well...It's a good thing I've never been fond of chess. In fact, I've always preferred monopoly." With that, I slammed my foot down on his, shoving him aside while running for the shut door.
He was beyond mad.
Looking over my shoulder, I smiled innocently up at his enraged expression and tense stance.
"And luckily, I have a get out jail free card."
C O P Y R I G H T. R E S E R V E D.
Guilty for loving cliche possessiveness, control and jealousy, I decided to create my very own story involving just that. This is nothing professional or overly realistic. it's just a fun story filled with game playing, banter, romance and humour.