Not everyone is happy with the former zombies rejoining society. Not everyone wants to give R a chance to fully heal and have a happy new life. Sometimes, one must face the consequences life deals them, even an unlife. Julie stands by R's side though, teaching him how to be human again, and facing the pain and obstacles with him as he walks down the bumpy road to recovery.
- Let it be known, I am the original author of this story.
The one that was posted here before was an unauthorized copy. "TheGirlWithBrains", the person who "shared" my story here without my permission, suggested I post it myself. My initial reaction was to refuse outright because I felt my story was spoiled, but after mulling it over, I decided to do so anyway. I figure, the more spread out it is by my hands, the safer it is from being stolen... at least, I hope.
Disclaimer: I do not own Warm Bodies or The New Hunger, but I do own this plot and my original characters.
13 year old Krystal has been in the orphanage since she was 4. Her parents died in a tragic house fire, along with her twin brother, Michael. 9 years later, she would have never thought that this adoption day, she would be adopted. But she's in for a surprise.
Mark Fischbach (Markiplier): A man who's afraid to screw up.
Krystal: A girl who just wants out of the orphanage, away from her past.
Both: They just want to get along...