I'm just an ordinary girl in an ordinary world filled with bad things but most important, good things. I should let the bad things go, but they hurt. Especially the words. Those sting the worst. Yes, I've been beaten down many times. But that's not what life is about. Life is about how you live it. Do you want to die and wonder why you did all of those horrible things? You'd rather want to live it with all the good things you've done in your life, right? Right. Ever hear of the songs that are on now a days? Yeah, that's what I thought. But you have a choice to listen to those or not to. It's a choice. Just like how life is a choice to live bad or good. Just like how you can help that person who has been beaten down by someone. You have a choice to help them or let them get humiliated. Your choice. Everything in life is a choice, even the little one are important. Like if you want to do something you're not aloud to do. In the next couple of years, you'd find yourself behind grey,boring, filthy bars all because you decided to do something you weren't supposed to do. There are many choices in life and you can't take them back so why not live life to the fullest and remember all the good things in life. Now I may ask you something, how will you live your life?