My name is Jayden ( Jay) Kai Jones. I am sixteen years old . But I am a senior in high school , being incredibly smart I skipped two grades. The other seniors at Washington Square High school in Washington D.C don't know this however because I am tall for just having turned sixteen. I am born in raised the Italian Mafia . The DiNocci family. My father died in a car crash two days before I was born and my mother died in child birth. I was adopted by Dominic NiNocci oldest surviving son of the Don. One of the three reasons they don't mess with me. The second one is I am a Boxer in the Nationals coming up getting ready to fight for golden gloves and the champion title. The third reason is with out my innterpurtler I could not hear a world you are saying because I am stone cold deaf. Yeah you heard me right . I am a genius boxer that can't hear worth a lick . And I'm fighting for a nation title . Jayden ( Jay) Kai Jones : Age , sixteen. Born, December 27 2000. Stands at 6 foot 6 inches . His hair is a dark dirty blond almost brown hair is worn in a short buzz cut . His hearing are a light blue clearly visible with the length of his hair . His eyes are a sparkling green with amber flecks .he normally wears a white tee shirt with a black leather jacket and black jeans with red vans . When he is boxing he wears a white muscle shirt and loose black basketball shorts ( no hearing aids). #Justwriteit