What is a book really? I think it has many different definitions but in the end there is one defining thing about what a book is. Every book in all of history is made up of letters that form words that form sentences that eventually come together to create a story of some sort. Now the purpose of a book is always different. Sometimes people write books to teach and inform others about a subject. Sometimes people write books to never be seen by anyone else and to simply jot down their daily lives and their deepest secrets. Sometimes people write books to share their unending imagination and incredible worlds and characters they have somehow managed to create in their amazingly vast minds. The list can go on forever. My point is that what I am going to be writing is what I consider a book, however it is a bit different from what your normal book may entitle. In this book I will be sharing my thoughts, my daily life, maybe a short story that I've decided to write. I will write and share anything and everything in here. You don't have to read this if it's something you are uninterested in, but I still want to share this with all of you. I really hope you enjoy my own little version of a book!All Rights Reserved