The pictures used in this book do not belong to me.
What happens when the system fails us, when we are judged based on looks and we are factions, when most are beautiful and some are un-beautiful. What happens when some are loveless and some are bathed in it. Those with the biggest smiles are those with broken souls.
Is it a crime, to rebel, to love, to lust.
Adeyo Carter an art and cultural enthusiast, lives in modern day North Carolina, she faces struggles as an African-American student, independent and studious, she looks past the comment on her weight and bullying of her bunkmates in the rundown YWCA building that provides shelter for them.
Pharaoh Smith, misunderstood and a troubled young man, who is bullied constantly by his father to take over the family business, Pharaoh is passionate about art and he is disgusted by the family business, it exploits poor people and it is a dishonest business he'd rather create his own empire, but every Aladdin must have a Jasmine.
Pharaoh has his eyes on voluptuously beautiful Adeyo.
Recordó las palabras del médico "lo encontraron casi muerto" "es un milagro", abrió lentamente sus ónix observando a la nada, él no debería estar vivo, no merecía estarlo, había hecho demasiado daño, era un asesino, un criminal, apretó su puño con frustración recordando aquella vez en su infancia cuando se lanzó al precipicio "nadie en verdad desea morir" no, él en verdad deseaba morir, tragó pesado sintiendo lágrimas caer de sus ojos y rodar por su mejilla, él debía morir ¿Por qué la vida se aferraba a mantenerlo en existencia?
*Esta historia es mia, prohibida su copia y reproducción*
*Naruto y sus personajes pertenecen a Masashi Kishimoto*
*Las imágenes que uso las tomo de internet, créditos a sus autores*