There are no coins. There are no longer credit cards or dollar bills or cheques. The world has done away with all forms of currency save for one-words. The more rare, the more valuable. There are those who steal words. They keep them for themselves in a bank of knowlege, or they can go and share the words. Not for the currency value, but for the knowlege. Anyone who speaks up is killed. Anyone found stealing words is stripped of their savings and sent into the streets as a mute. Joshbekesha is a loner, one who interacts with few and disregards many. He can't help but question the ways of the world and wonder if there is a better way. Madison has never given a second thought to the riches her parents received in their positions of work. To her, knowlege is second nature. When the unexpected happens, their paths cross and they are thrown into a place that neither of them suspected they would ever end up in.All Rights Reserved
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