When Frisk manages to save everyone from the underground, and get everyone their happy ending, this includes Asriel... And Chara! How exactly she got to living again, Chara didn't know. In every other time line Chara had been a ghost, only visible to Frisk and a handful of others they met. Now, she's human again, and is living at her mother's on the surface, the only problem is her mother doesn't know she's alive again, and her brother is having a hard time adjusting to her being alive again. To add to that, a boy Chara has never gotten along with has found her and Frisk in this time line, as he seems to every time line. Other than the people around her, Chara seems to be having trouble getting used to feelings again, and really just having a hard time getting used to be human again. That is, until someone unexpected helps her.