60 parts Complete In a world where humans coexist with other races, known yet unknown to them, the throes of fate force a young human woman to leave the familiarity of her world and thrust her right into the arms of a scarred alpha.
Lillian, a single mother of five-year-old twin boys, was welcomed home one night by the horrors of death and blood. Forced to flee with her children, she ends up on pack land. Her new life in the pack will unravel secrets that will lead her to question everything she knows about herself.
Noah is the alpha of his pack. A series of kidnapping disturb the peace of the neighboring territories. In the middle of attempting to solve the issue, a human female drops into his land. Everything about Lillian is a paradox, and Noah doesn't know how to deal with a human who doesn't accept his authority, and who gives life to conflicting emotions in his scarred heart.
''He should kill her. It was only one life, a reasonable price to pay in order to protect their secrets.
"You'll die," he repeated, looking down at the fire in her eyes.
She took a deep breath, the smell of fear disappearing again. "Take care of my boys." she smiled at him and closed her eyes.
Noah's hands lifted. One move. Quick and painless. Simple. Humans were so easy to kill. Her slender neck would break without a real effort on his part.
The wolf raged again, Noah's muscles turned rigid, fighting the beast for control. It had never happened before.
Noah's hand touched her neck. Her skin was freezing. A lone tear slid out of Lillian's eye. She bit her trembling lip and Noah followed the action. Her body was trembling, from cold or fear, he didn't know.''
*This book is part of the Blue Flames world. However, it can be read as a standalone.