"We'll never outrun him." Cowboy explained. "So, today we outsmart him. Hope you've the stomach for it Detective."
He swerved around the base of a small rise as the arse dropped out of the red earth world and they descended into a maze of aqua and gold. Cocooned within the scaling heights of ancient cliffs, the vastness of the West Australian desert closed tightly around her.
Tannum swallowed down the anxiety as they raced towards a solid, rock-lined funnel. She glanced sideways at Cowboy, who unperturbed by the task, winked broadly for her benefit.
Detective Tannum Friday's back and she's brought along Cowboy for the ride; a gun pilot from Queensland who's preferred mode of transport is his R22 mustering chopper. Hot on the tail of RETO in the Western Australian desert, Tannum must negotiate her way around the cops, Company and the ever-present emotional danger of MacKenzie Knight. And that's before breakfast.