What if the GoM were all related as brothers and then you as their little sister. Of course it was hard since because of the Inter-high,the Winter cup etc. You had to be there in every game to cheer for them abd when their team is at the house you had treated them well as guests and did your verry best at cooking and stuff. When it comes to your school activities..... well let's say that it was pretty annoying and funny at the same time. They would having Rock-Paper-Scissors(real scissors for Akashi-kun) But there's always this thing that we can never ignore. Love. Well they already have Gfs and.... well.... for you,you're happy for them because they are idiots but you can't help being felt ignored by your idiotic,raindow-colored and amazing brothers. Well after some times you met this guy and what will be their reaction?(Might be Priceless xD) Find out!All Rights Reserved