It's happening. It's here. DRAPPLE 2 IS HERE! This is the second book in the cheesy (No! Appely!) fanfic series that is Drapple by Strangeamatic!!!! k so if you haven't read book 1 yet, do it or I will stuff an apple in your face while you sleep. Well. The plot. Draco and Apple are happily married, and have many not-disturbing-at-all children. But one sinister villain is on the rise: Pear. The children of Apple and Draco will play a vital role in this incredibly epic tale, as backstories are revealed and people are eaten. But don't worry, you can't compare pears and apples. Oh. Nevermind. You can compare Apple and Pear. Who is stronger? Who will win? WHAT IS APPLE'S DARK SECRET? DUN DUN DUNH DRAPPLE 3 COMING SOON! Visit my profile for more information. DRAPPLE: THE MOVIE COMING SOON! Visit my profile for more information. AS ALWAYS, I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS, THEY ALL BELONG TO THE OH SO GREAT QUEEN JK ROWLING!!!! All situations are mine though, and nothing at all corresponds with the book 'cause I'm dumb or something idk. Well, anyways, just go read it! i hope you love this as much as you did the first!Todos los derechos reservados