In the left over wasteland of the world, new materials have been made from clashing atoms and man has finally reached Mars and beyond. Two countries, representing the two powers of the world, have been made but not everyone was happy about where they were. These people leave and become known as "Outsiders". Usually these "Outsiders" go and build settlements and live out their lives with no one needing to keep a eye on them. One settlement in particular, named The Red Star, has grew massive power And have gone to space on their own and have gained a bomb of massive power that is able to destroy both countries in one blow. The Red Star's leader threatens to blow them up if they do not give up their power which creates mass panic across each country. The two powers do not agree to their terms and the settlement launches two in each of their directions. Nothing was prepared for this to happen. No vaults, shelters, ships, or escape routes. This is only the story of what happened, not happens.