Ser adolescente no es fácil, miles de "problemas" abarcan la vida de Nicole, siendo adolescente sabe que el amor no es un cuento de hadas, simplemente no cree en esos disparates del amor, pero lo que no sabe es que pronto encontrará el verdadero amor, un poema, una estrofa, un verso, una inspiración, una canción..., eso y mucho más será él para ella.
Pero todo puede cambiar...
Es la verdadera historia de una adolescente, no un cuento de hadas donde siempre obtiene lo que quiere y le va bien en el amor, ella no tiene las típicas amigas que la aconsejan, que hacen pijamadas, ella tampoco es la típica adolescente que viste bien, que sale a fiestas ni nada por el estilo. No es perfecta, no es la más hermosa del colegio, simplemente es una verdadera adolescente que odia los estereotipos y no quiere ser uno de ellos.
Grayson is one more teenager who announced trouble by mere looks, breaking every rule on his path with a home he dreaded returning to after school and would sometimes walk the street wishing he never made it back. He worked too many jobs to pay a debt he knew nothing of, and as an orphan, he did too many things without thinking and he was used to accepting severe consequences, however, things began to change when his custody was transferred to his uncles. He gets to be in a family with other kids, and he can't help but wreak havoc that he very much enjoyed, unfortunately, his new environment offered more scrutiny and discipline even if it required a hardcore old-school punishment and a tough love. Will he ever fit? Or must he face the old home he dreaded, again?