Little did Dan, aka danisnotonfire, and Phil, aka AmazingPhil, know which emotional rollercoaster awaited them on their vacation trip to the Lester's family gathering.
My dear reader, feel free join them on their journey to jelousy, secrets, confessions and finally: eachother's hearts.
Grab a cup of tea, get your hankies ready, and make yourself comfortable! Please enjoy and come back in case you liked it.
Comments are always welcome <3
Important Author's Note:
Before you say anything, I know that Phil's family members have different names. But this is fiction, so I didn't feel like sticking to the "real" ones.
Also, please don't hate on my OCs.
I'm not a native speaker, so it'd be awesome to tell me if you find Grammar or Spelling mistakes; so I can learn!
Thanks for reading! <3