17 year old, Kai Imani Jones, going through her last year of high school. A normal teenager trying to make it in life, but problems are constantly coming her way.
With the jealous girls, her bestfriends, boyfriend, and rumors to top it off, she really don't know who she could trust anymore. It doesn't stop there. At home, her younger sister, Tasìa, is growing more and more everyday.
With it being her job to protect her sister, she slips away in the mess and drama that has started at school. She tries her best to stay on top of her work and not to worry about anything.
With the pressure of being Valedictorian from her parents, she easily starts to stress out. With no shoulder to lean on, some of her decisions weigh heavy on her life.
Who will she turn to? Who will turn out to be her true friends? Most importantly, will she make it through alive?