Boba Fett - the most notorious bounty hunter in the galaxy, captor of the scoundrel Han Solo, and favored mercenary of the Empire ... has fallen. Disappearing into the Great Pit of Carkoon, he now suffers the fate intended for a smuggler and a jedi, being slowly digested over a 1,000 years in the belly of the almighty Sarlaac. Boba Fett has fallen, but he is far from vanquished.
Only through his wits, resourcefulness, and unrelenting drive will he escape this doom. But the Mandalorian soon discovers his real battle is just beginning. Fear, respect, and even intrigue have kept his enemies at bay, but now his myth, his status and his very life are under all out attack. Former loyalties, alliances, companions and conquests now all seek the spoils and vengeance of his supposed demise.
The mystery of the most iconic mercenary in the galaxy is unveiled as Boba Fett scrapes and fights to rebuild his life, his identity, and ultimately his legend.