Brand (v.) - to make a mark indicating identity or ownership,
I feel the cold steel against my skin. The sharp edges slowly trace around my collarbone as he smiles at me. His eyes light up as he presses into my skin and drags down. I feel my warm blood against my cool skin and gasp a little, "Shhh, baby girl, shhh." he makes another cut as I try not to scream. A third one is created as he coos, "You're holding up so well." The final cut is the deepest and drags down longer. He kisses and sucks on my new wound. He looks up at me, smiling, as blood lingers on his lips, "There. Now you're mine."
He pushes me on the ground with anger in his eyes, "You think you can just leave like that? Well, baby boo, it ain't that simple." He grabs a piece of metal he always leaves near his fireplace and pins me down. He pulls my shirt up before pulling my jeans aside. I shriek as the hot metal burns into my skin as he leaves his initial on my hip, "You're mine. No one can have you. Anyone who tries to take you will see my mark and run. You. belong. to. me."
"Shut up! You don't know anything about me you little brat!" He screamed back.
"So tell me about you so I will understand." Bold move Tyler. He could be a killer. He beat up that guy.
"If I did you would run and hide. You would be terrified." He claims.
"Try me." you're stupid I tell myself.