Annabeth Jenner is different then anyone in the world. While pregnant her mother, the late Mrs. Jenner fell in front of an incoming train. The spinning wheels killed the mother but the missed the child. Doctors say that the sparks had done something to the child as at 2 years old she began acting strangely. From going into a daze and creepily walking around the house to floating. Little Anna ended up on the news as one day in the middle of the night, now 4 year old Anna started floating through the streets. Police thought it a prank but they then identified her as a living, healthy girl. She was taken away and handed to Special Paranormal Activity Association Doctors, also known as the SPAAD for years. Finally let out at age 8 she was able to go to school, make friends, and have fun. But an accident comes her way just as the train did that haunted her nightmares. Copyright 2016 AngelStar7