She knew she was being selfish by hoping that he wouldn't let her get in that bus, but she couldn't help it. For the first time since her dad passed, she was happy and it was all because of the boy before her, his hair slightly mussed up from him constantly, nervously running his fingers through it and his eyes shining with un-shed tears.
"You know, even when you cry, you're still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." She choked out a laugh and reached up to dry her cheeks while he wiped fresh tears from under her eyes before leaning in, slowly pulling her face to his and softly brushing his lips against hers. One more goodbye kiss. He knew that there was still a possibility that this was going to be the last time that he saw her, thus this being the last chance he had to feel what he hadn't felt until her. He was desperate to feel that spark one more time. His lips closed over hers and for a second, there was no sadness, no feeling of impending heart break, just them together.
Please don't let me go...
She paused and turned around to glance at him one last time. "Bye, Jo-Jo..." His nickname fell from her lips just as a broken smile found its way onto her face. His responding smile was just as broken. "Bye, Alli..." She tried to smile wider but failed as she just turned and walked onto the bus, the doors hissing shut behind her.
Please... Please don't let me go...
She silently hoped with all her heart that he'd do... Something. Anything really. Chase the bus, call her, something. But sadly, he stayed, feet planted on the sidewalk where they'd shared their long goodbye, a look on his face that perfectly reflected how she was feeling. Her tears fell silent and plentiful down her face as she felt her heart shatter to pieces in her chest. Once the bus turned a corner and he was out of her sight, she clutched the pendent hanging from her neck and bit her lip, keeping her hand pressed to the glass.
Don't forget me...
Elizabeth Olsen, one of the new professors at the highschool. She's a beautiful and intelligent woman in her mid thirties. She's a strict and cold woman in class.
Isabel Reyes, one of the popular girls in school. Confident and with a curious mind, outgoing and never one to back away from a challenge.
Teacher x student
18 years difference