May Death Never Stop You (Completed)
7 Phần Hoàn tất "Stop your crying, helpless feeling. Dry your eyes, and start believing." -The World Is Ugly, Gerard Way, My Chemical Romance.
"If I could be with you tonight, I would sing you to sleep, and never let them take the light behind your eyes." -The Light Behind Your Eyes, Gerard Way, My Chemical Romance.
If you haven't heard of My Chemical Romance, then that's PERFECTLY okay. Not too many people really care about a small band from Belleville New Jersey. Trust me NO ONE cares about them. But I do because they are only barely 2 years older than me and I go to the exact same high school they did.
Now as everything's falling apart and I have to move to California and in with my Aunt Helena in the middle of my senior year, I just hope I've got enough MCR to help get me through. My friends all wish me luck and say, "Oh Allison. Allie. It'll be just fine. You'll be fine. California's fun, lots of new experiences, and ALL that sun. The beach, the bands, the BOYS, and I think MCR lives out there now. In fact they do. So you COULD like maybe hook up with one of them. But of course if that WERE to ACTUALLY happen I'd have to stop being your friend. But California will be fun. I'll miss you sure. But it'll be fun. Good Luck!" I try believing them, but it's hard after what's happened. I will go and be happy though, for my friends.