At first glance, the boy that works in the book shop looks like any other happy, lighthearted teen. But that's where you're wrong.
The boy that works at the book store, is Eren Jaeger. He works the small coffee shop inside of the book filled plaza, along with the store itself.
He hides his pain with a smile, and he does so without any indication that he hurts inside. But the truth about him is a long story actually, let's just say, he's trying to support himself, his drug addict sister, and new feelings for a man who wanders into the store one rainy evening.
That man, is Levi Ackerman. He's famous in the book writing world, and yet, Eren doesn't know who he is, he just loves his favorite author, Rivalle L.A.
Levi accidentally gets lost while he's searching the city for something to write about, that's when he meets Eren Jaeger.
But Levi remembers a past life with Eren, one that is filled with giant man eating creatures, a survey corps, and a tragic love story.