Have you ever thought really hard, and came to a realisation that something is missing, but you don't know what. Like, something extremely important, that if you had you wouldn't be able to live without it. Well, I feel like that everyday, waiting for it all to change, but I have a feeling it will, in time it will, and I definitely won't regret it...
Jai has had a secret hidden from him his whole life, a very important secret. Little does he know on the other side of the world there is a boy, with the exact same hair, exact same eyes, exact same personality, exact same everything as him. His name is Luke, and he's Jai's brother... twin brother.
Broken hearts aren't ever the easiest thing to have. Take Jai Brooks and Rachel Hutchen for example. They both have one thing in common. They were both cheated on and left for another. Both of them will never see love in the same perspective they once did all because of that. But what happens when a girl coming down to Melbourne for a volleyball competition meets a boy coming back home to spend Christmas with his family? She wants to win the gold and he wants to win the girl. Will she break Jai's heart like the last?