"I don't think you understand...I really like you...."
His hand came up and touched her face, his body leaning forward to her. She could breathe in his scent, and held her breath so it would not leave her. Everything about him...the way he spoke, the way he presented himself, his passions and his hobbies, his life and his opinions, everything inspired her, and triggered a fire inside her. The same fire she saw in his eyes. The fire that captivated her each time she looked at him, making her look away because it made her so afraid it would consume her.
His lips touched her cheek, and he paused, reading her reaction. She read his, but she was frozen, unsure of herself, unsure of what to do. Does she let go, or does she hold herself back? She didn't have long to decide, because his lips touched the corner of her mouth, so close to her lips, inching closer and closer, daring her, daring himself....