"The sky is vast, yes, but what makes it mesmerising is not it's illimitable expand, but ironically, the small spread of lights that dance. This is what takes our breath away."
~ A very cheesy quote that totally didn't take me half an hour to make up.
With all these ideas in my head and drafts that I plan to publish, I wanted to give those who enjoy my books (not that I've made any so far, haha) or my writing, or perhaps my train of thought and my capability in the art of 'heart swooning' a chance to see what kind of Fangirl fest you're getting yourself into.
Please feel free to be inspired to create your own stories, but inspiration alone, because no author likes to have their work taken away from them, including copied. Without further ado, I present 'Excerpts From Books I Want To Write' by Candy Sweet. I hope you enjoy ~