Harry Styles is 25 years old, and life hasn’t dealt him the cards he expected. After being married less than a year, his wife died giving birth to a daughter, Sophie. Harry is left heartbroken and alone. He’s always been wonderful with children, but can he handle being a single father, still mourning his love who was cruelly taken before her time? 27-year-old Andi Peters’ life didn’t turn out how she’d expected either. She had been living a fairytale, but good didn’t win this time. The pain she feels every day is drowning her, and she needs a change. What do you do when your husband and lifelong best friend leaves you after tragedy strikes? How do you get over the loss of your little boy? When every happy family brings you to tears, how do you move on? Aunt Claire invites Andi to stay with her in London to start over. New people, new story. What happens when she runs into Harry Styles, the only other guy who’d ever won a piece of her heart?