Everybody has an urge, whether it be big or small, to experience something created by the Devil himself; something that no one can possibly have a rational explanation for and is completely and utterly inhumane.
I believe that fear lodges itself in the very depths of our minds, taunting even the strongest of us; no matter how hard we push to ignore the feelings that take over our bodies and the shivers that uncontrollably cause the hairs on our arms to stand on end. The constant peeking over the shoulder action we make on a daily occurrence to put our minds at ease and rest assure ourselves that there is something lurking in the corner of our rooms watching our every movement.
What if your imagination is no longer safe? What would you do if your mind starts playing tricks on you? What if it doesn't, and everything you thought you were imagining, comes true. It's not fun when you're living a nightmare, take it from someone who knows. Me. I know, and soon enough, you will too.